Major sporting activities up to state representation level include:- swimming, tennis, hockey basketball, rugby league, soccer, track and field, softball cross country, cricket, touch football, netball and Australian rules. To participate in sports trials students must play the sport at club level.
Broadsound Sports are held each year. The sports day is an athletics carnival, involving three schools from the local cluster, from which a Broadsound Team is selected to compete at the Sarina District Sports. Koumala School and Swayneville State School are responsible for co-ordinating the carnival on an alternate basis. Broadsound Sports is held at The Sarina Athletics Oval and both Koumala and Swayneville alternate the responsibilities to organise the event. The P&C Association looks after catering for the carnival. Koumala School holds their Interhouse Sports (KELVIN vs CARLISLE) as part of the carnival and the Jim Randell Shield is awarded to the successful house.
All schools contest the following trophies:
* Plane Creek Mill Perpetual Trophy for Aggregate Points
* Combined P & C's trophy for Average Points
* Individual Age Champions trophies for 9 – 13 year olds.
The Principal of Koumala School also awards a Special Achiever's Trophy to an athlete from Koumala who tries very hard during the day. A copy of previous programs is held in the school files.