It is compulsory for a child of school age to attend a school. Parents are required to inform the school by 9.15a.m. if your child will be absent and a reason must be given by law. Parents can inform the school via phone call, Class Dojo or QParents. Codes used by the department are listed below:
- U - Unexplained
- I- Illness and medical appointments
- G - Family Reasons
- H- Holiday
- A- School Activity
- S - Sport
- w - Work Experience
- C - Excursion
- F - Off Campus Activity
- P - Short Suspension
- Q - long Suspension
- R - Suspension
- O - Other
- J - Unjustified
- N - Natural Disaster
- B - Attendance Not Required
- D - Sorry Business
If the school does not receive notification of an absence with a reason by 9:15a.m. parents will receive an SMS informing them that the absence is currently unexplained and ask that you contact the school with a reason.
Parents should try to ensure regular attendance as each day's work is built upon the previous day's work. However, a child, when ill, does not do his/her best work and should be kept at home to receive the care that will enable him/her to recover as quickly as possible.
Teachers are not encouraged to provide students work while they are sick. We feel the school work provided is best taught by the teacher who prepares the work and not through work sheets or text books. Should a prolonged absence be anticipated, please contact the school well before the time to allow the teacher time to prepare work for the child. If your child is going to be away for more than 10 consecutive school days e.g. long holiday, an enrolment exemption must be submitted to the principal at least 5 school days prior for approval. Completing an enrolment exemption does not automatically mean that it will be approved.