The school’s philosophy concerning discipline is embedded in the school’s Student Code of Conduct (PDF,1.6MB) for Students which seeks to establish the principles of a supportive school environment and an appropriate framework, within which the school can plan strategies and implement practices for developing responsible behaviour in students.
Koumala State School is committed to providing a school environment which maximises the educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. The school is committed to ensuring that:
* learning and teaching reflect the principles of equity, effectiveness, responsiveness, participation and accountability.
* the school continuously reflects on educational practices and works towards improving services within the school.
The supportive school environment is one where:
* all members of the school community feel safe and are valued;
* social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality practices in the areas of curriculum, interpersonal relationships and school organisation;
* school practices involve a planned continuum from positive preventive actions for all students to responsive actions for specific individuals and groups;
* non-violent, non-coercive and non-discriminatory language and practices are defined, modelled and reinforced by all members of the school community;
* suspension and exclusion procedures are considered only when all other approaches have been exhausted or rejected.
The school’s Student Code Of Conduct is based on the identification of each individual’s rights and responsibilities leading to the identification of a code of behaviour. Consequences for inappropriate behaviour have also been identified. Depending on the nature of the breach of the code of conduct, consequences range from time out to suspension from school. Students should consider themselves responsible for their own behaviours and, therefore, responsible for undertaking actions to address a transgression of the conduct code. It is the behaviour, not the person we are attempting to modify.